
The Confraria is governed by three independent organs:



The Capítulo is a General Assembly in which all Confrades Efectivos may take part. It is presided over by the Corregedor, a senior Mestre elected to ensure its smooth and proper functioning.

When convened by the Corregedor, the Confrades Efectivos meet in Capítulo to elect the officers of the Confraria, and to make decisions concerning the Confraria, including the approval of new Confrades.



Members of the Chancelaria, or governing board, are elected for three-year terms with a mandate to lead, manage and represent of the Confraria do Vinho do Porto.

Made up by five Confrades and elected by the Capitulo, the Chancelaria is presided over by the Chanceler (Chancellor), the senior representative of the Confraria. The other roles in the Chancelaria are the Almoxarife (Administrator), the Copeiro-Mor (Head-Cupbearer), the Almotacé (Treasurer), and the Fiel das Usanças (Warden of Usages).

Members of the Chancelaria are identified by the cream-colored silk sash around their hats.


Mesa de Vedores

Three-person fiscal council, elected by the Capítulo, oversees the organization’s finances and budgets, and reviews the annual accounts.