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Following a year of work on the development of a new strategy, the Chancelaria presented the Capitulo with a plan for the new decade. Focused on three great areas the plan includes actions to improved communication with the worldwide community of Confrades, the internationalization of the Regatta of Barcos Rabelo, and the Celebration of Vintage Port.
Identified as a priority, the renewal of the Website and data base is a key first step to relaunching the contacts with all Confrades with an active e-mail. Each Confrade will receive an invitation to complete their profiles on the new data base, allowing them to access the reserved area on the new website where they may open and enter into discussion forums, as well as find and contact other Confrades around the world. The new website will be the centre of communication for the Confraria do Vinho do Porto, supported by Facebook and Instagram.
Leading up to the annual Regatta of Barcos Rabelo (24th June), the Confraria will make a concerted communication effort to gain international awareness for this unique annual event. More information will follow.
A highlight of the Confraria’s life is the Celebration when a great number of our members Declare a Vintage Porto. This event will be planned in conjunction with a very special moment for the Confraria – the Celebration of the 40th Anniversary!
The Chancelaria is committed to make 2022 a memorable year for the Confraria and the Confrades!